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Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Social Emotional Learning

March 15, 2022 - 7 minute read

In 1994, Daniel Goleman, Eileen Growald, 一个由专业人士组成的团队联合起来,解决了教育环境中缺失的人类发展的一个方面. The group, now known as Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), focused their time, talents, 社会情绪学习(SEL)对学龄前至高中生(CASEL)社会情绪学习的促进作用, 2021a). Today, the organization has established a framework for implementation, CASEL 5, 这指导教育工作者创造支持性环境和发展整个儿童的学习经验.

研究支持这种说法,即SEL对建立健康的身份至关重要, managing emotions, and achieving personal goals (CASEL, 2020). In 2018, McGraw Hill surveyed 1,140 teachers, 博彩平台网址大全环境中社会情感学习(SEL)的必要性. 结果显示,在各个群体中,压倒性的共识是,SEL和学术学习一样重要. Additionally, the study confirmed the work of Durlak et al. (2011) Domitrovich et al. (2017), who purported that SEL interventions increase academic performance, positive classroom behavior, and students' ability to cope with stress. In 2021, 汉诺威研究公司和麦格劳希尔公司进行了一项后续研究,发现由于最近的全球事件,对SEL的需求明显增加(麦格劳希尔), 2021).

CASEL 5 Competencies

CASEL 5框架支持系统的实施计划并提供实用性, developmentally appropriate strategies for each competency. 这五种能力涉及个人、社会和执行功能技能. Use this link to learn more about the five competencies listed below (CASEL, 2021b):

  • 自我意识——了解一个人的情绪、思想和价值观如何影响行为.
  • 自我管理——有效地管理自己的情绪、思想和行为.
  • 社会意识-理解他人的观点和同情,包括来自不同背景的人, cultures, and contexts.
  • 关系技巧——与不同的个人和团体建立并保持健康和支持性的关系.
  • 负责任的决策——在不同的环境中对行为和互动做出关心和建设性的选择.

对CASEL 5的认识是教育工作者开始全面支持学生社会情感需求的正确方向的一步, 了解这些能力如何与为教学专业设定的标准保持一致也很重要.

Teaching Performance Expectations

教师培训课程侧重于教师必须展示的技能以获得认证. 每个州都为教师准备制定标准,并颁发州特有的证书. 加州对职前教育工作者有严格的标准,要求候选人对教学绩效期望(tpe)的知识和应用负责。. 最突出地解决社会情感学习发展的TPE是TPE 2, Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning.

Element one from the description of this TPE states, "Beginning teachers: promote students' social-emotional growth, development, 通过积极的干预和支持来实现个人责任, restorative justice, 和解决冲突的实践,以培养一个充满爱心的社区,每个学生都受到成年人和同龄人的公平和尊重, 2016, P. 7). Furthermore, the narrative of the TPE expresses, "Beginning teachers support all students' mental, social-emotional, 通过营造一个安全、温馨的课堂环境,让学生感到归属感,并能安全地交流,从而满足他们的身体健康需求。, 2016, P. 7).

教师培训项目应该对系统方法进行建模,并阐明CASEL 5如何在课堂环境中显而易见, within the department, institutionally, and in the greater community. 应鼓励教师明确地将教学类型与CASEL 5联系起来, 提供跨年级和内容领域的相关实施示例. Course designers should model the competencies during instruction. 候选人应该对每一项能力进行自我探索. 他们应该有机会和他们的导师一起发展和实践策略, peers, and during clinical practice. 应征者应该有时间反思他们经历的结果. 考生还应该向他们的合作老师询问不同学校使用的策略. 教师资格证书项目应该为职前教育工作者提供机会,使他们在对理论有扎实的理解和对应用有基本的理解的情况下进入第一年的教学.

Tools To Get Started

As you begin your journey, here are some helpful resources:

Sara Morgan

Assistant Professor of Special Education Credentials

Sara Morgan is a graduate of Chapman University, where she earned a B.A. in Communications. After graduation, 她继续获得两个教师证书(多学科和教育专家)和一个特殊教育硕士学位. She taught, as a resource teacher, for Lutheran Special Education Ministries, a special day class teacher, for the Westminster School District, 并担任特殊任务教师(TOSA)和项目专家, for the Garden Grove Unified School District.



  • B.A.: 1999, Chapman University, Communications: Speech Communications
  • MAED.: 2003, Chapman University, Special Education


  • Introduction to teaching Diverse Populations
  • Typical and Atypical Development of Diverse Populations
  • Advanced Curriculum Methods for Teaching Special Populations
  • Coping with Stress and Violence in Today's Diverse Classroom


CASEL. (2020, December). What is SEL? CASEL.

CASEL. (2021a). History. CASEL.

CASEL. (2021b). SEL: What Are the Core Competence Areas and Where are they Promoted? CASEL.

CTC. (2017, June 22). 初步多学科和单学科证书计划标准 (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing). Retrieved December 16, 2020, from df.pdf?sfvrsn=a35b06c_2

Domitrovich, C. E., Durlak, J. A., Staley, K. C., & Weissberg, R. P. (2017). 社会情绪能力:促进学童积极适应和降低学童风险的重要因素. Child Development, 88(2), 408–416.

Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). 促进学生社会和情感学习的影响:基于学校的普遍干预的元分析. Child Development, 82(1), 405–432.

McGraw Hill. (2018). 2018 Social and Emotional Learning Report. McGraw Hill. Retrieved January 4, 2022, from onal-learning-gains-prominence.html  

McGraw Hill. (2021). 2021 Social Emotional Learning Survey. McGraw Hill. Retrieved January 4, 2022, from 

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