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Parents & Families

Counseling Center

What is counseling?

咨询是一个合作的过程,涉及到独特的发展, confidential relationship. 辅导员作为一个促进者,帮助来访者更准确地了解他/她自己和他/她周围的世界.

Why do students seek counseling?

Students seek counseling for a variety of reasons like low self-confidence; grief and loss; relationship issues; depression; anxiety; self-defeating behaviors (i.e. eating disorders etc.); controlling usage of alcohol and drugs; life purpose and direction; family conflict, 帮助你做出更好的决定.

Who is eligible for counseling?

The full services of the Counseling Center 是免费提供给所有本科生的. 服务是免费、自愿和保密的.

How do you set up counseling services?

访问或致电位于的中心 Wellness Center 格林学生会大楼一楼,在办公时间拨打(949)214-3102. 如辅导员不在,请留言.


没有被咨询人的书面同意,任何信息都不能泄露. 气氛是一种质量,相互尊重和关心.


Family Issues


If family problems arise, 如果学生不知道家里发生了什么,他们会感到心烦意乱. 学生们需要继续感到他们仍然在家庭圈子里, 无论他们的家人住在附近还是很远. 家庭问题会使学生感到疏离和无助,学生甚至会放大问题. While, as a parent, 你了解你的孩子,知道他们是如何处理某些情况的, 如果家里有什么困难, 你和孩子之间的持续沟通是非常重要的.

Emotional Difficulties

我的一年级学生似乎承受着很大的压力. What help is available to them?

在从高中到大学的过渡中,新生面临着各种各样的问题, in the case of transfer students, 从其他学院或大学转到CUI. 有些学生需要额外的时间来适应新环境. 鼓励你的学生和老师预约 Counseling Center. 咨询中心提供个人咨询.

My student is homesick. What should I do?

Homesickness, 通常发生在学年的早期, but can appear at any time, 是一种非常强烈的情感,在每个学生之间都有很大的不同吗. 如果新生遇到任何个人或学业上的失望, 这可能会导致他/她开始思考家,以及他/她无法参与那里的活动. All of a sudden, 学生突然意识到,家里其他人的生活还是和以前一样, but without the student. 这可能会引发思乡之情,学生可能会宣布他/她想在家里度过很多周末. Unfortunately, however, this can prolong homesickness, 因为学生并没有真正给大学生活一个机会.

有些学生比其他人要花更长的时间来克服乡愁. In the fall semester, participating in Family Weekend, which is held each year in October, often helps to resolve the problem. 作为学生,他们与家人分享大学经历的一部分, 他们通常会在新环境中感觉更好,并产生自豪感. 参加校园活动也是缓解思乡之情的一剂良药. 作为学生在课堂外交朋友, 伴随思乡而来的孤独感通常会得到缓解,学生们开始觉得他们真的是校园社区的一部分.

重要的是要让你的孩子放心,大多数学生都有想家的时候, over time, the feeling will most likely pass. Your son probably doesn't realize it, 但是,虽然其他学生可能不会表现出来, they also share similar feelings.

如果问题仍然存在,你可能会建议你的学生在医院预约 Counseling Center and/or speak with his AD.

How could my student stress less?

Stress is part of everyone's life. 适度的压力能培养创造力、动力和改变. 想想看——没有压力,生活就会变得枯燥乏味. 然而,太多的压力会严重影响你的身心健康. But what can be done? Here are some helpful hints:

  • Understand the causes of your stress.
  • 解决问题的第一步是认识到问题的存在. 开始审视你的生活,看看是什么导致了你的压力.
  • Help yourself and others.
  • 好好谈一谈,放轻松,试着正确看待问题.
  • Know where to go for help.
  • 及时的专业建议可以防止小问题变成大麻烦.

Signs of Stress

  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Procrastination
  • Difficulty waking up
  • Excessive crying
  • Racing heart
  • Sweaty palms
  • Lack of concentration
  • Tense muscles (e.g. shoulders)
  • Lingering or unidentified illnesses
  • Driving too fast
  • Showing up late
  • Losing things
  • Headaches
  • Not having enough time (e.g. to spend time with friends)

Ways to Relax

  • Do things just for you
  • Keep a journal
  • Get a massage
  • Take deep breaths
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Listen to music
  • Dream
  • Laugh
  • Take things one day at a time
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