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Schools & Colleges

Christ College

Christ College

From its founding, 康考迪亚大学的基督学院装备学生去执行大使命——使万民作门徒. 我们工作的一个重要部分是准备学生在路德教会全职事工-密苏里主教.

See Christ College

School of Arts and Sciences

School of Arts and Sciences

牢牢扎根于欧文康考迪亚大学的基督教传统, 艺术与科学学院自信而自由地探索过去的财富和今天的知识. Along with Christ College, 学院负责大学的通识教育课程.

See the School of Arts and Sciences

School of Business

School of Business and Economics

Purpose. Passion. Creativity. Innovation. Faith. 这些都是我们的学生通过他们在康考迪亚商业和经济学院的个性化教育经验培养出来的一些品质. 我们将最好的理论和最好的实践结合起来,培养一种“边做边学”的体验,从而推动创新.

See the School of Business and Economics

School of Education

School of Education

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的教育学院涵盖了从本科文科专业到教育领导博士学位的课程. 要成为教育大师,你必须先成为学习大师. For this reason, 我们的使命是让学生有能力从事教学工作, learning, and service to the community.

See the School of Education

School of Professional Studies

School of Health and Human Sciences

康科迪亚最新的学校汇集了我们全面的护理课程, our undergraduate and graduate Healthcare degrees, 以及全国知名的教练和体育管理硕士学位.

See the School of Health and Human Sciences

School of Education

Townsend Institute

由心理学家和情感专家Dr. John Townsend, 汤森学院的学位课程建立在两个原则之上:你的能力——提高你的技能, strengths and expertise; and your Character - those internal abilities that you'll need to excel at work and in relationships.

See the Townsend Institute for Leadership & Counseling

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Centers & Institutes

The Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling

The Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling

Dr. 约翰·汤森组建了一支世界级的有影响力的团队, 学会院士——具有广泛平台、被广泛认可的作者、教师和实践者. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的汤森学院提供了一个独特的优势,你可以从约翰和这些顶级思想家和实践者那里学习,改变你的生活和工作.

See the Townsend Institute

Crosswise Institute

Crosswise Institute

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的克罗斯研究所致力于让高中生就挑战他们世界观的当代文化问题进行有意义的对话. Together, students are invited to develop their ideas, refine their thinking, 考察教会团体如何根据圣经的信息回应当前和相关的话题.

See the Crosswise Institute

Center for Church Leadership

Center for Church Leadership

教会领袖中心将装备和培养新一代的牧师和事工主管,成为企业家式的事工领袖. Through academic course work, spiritual formation, and hands-on ministry experience, 学生将准备在这个充满活力和不确定的世界为教会服务.

See the Center for Church Leadership

Cross-cultural Ministry Center

Cross-cultural Ministry Center

跨文化事工中心(CMC)致力于培养忠心的宣教牧师,发起和发展跨文化事工. CMC的学生在四年的学习期间同时在当地教会担任牧师. 学生毕业后将获得神学硕士学位,并获得路德教会-密苏里教会(LCMS)牧师任命的完整认证。.

See the Cross-cultural Ministry Center

Church Work Program

Church Work Program

康考迪亚的教会工作计划装备学生在路德教会密苏里教会的全职事工. They learn from and with future pastors, teachers, Directors of Christian Education, Directors of Parish Music, and deaconesses.

See Church Work

Faithworks Center

Faithworks Center

欧文康考迪亚大学的信仰工作中心扩展了信仰, Work, 和经济活动已经由基督学院与康考迪亚的其他学校合作开展. 该中心帮助牧师和专业人士了解经济形势, moral, 以及工作的精神意义,通过展示它如何为他人和整个社会的繁荣做出贡献.

See the Faithworks Center

Center for Civics Education

Center for Civics Education

公民教育中心的使命是通过研讨会培训和发展公民和领导人,使他们有效地参与公共政策决策, workshops, dialogues, debates, internship programs and collaboration with business, civic, philanthropic, government, political, ethnic and religious organizations and institutions.

See the Center for Civics Education

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Areas of Interest

Parents Fund

Parents Fund

给家长基金的礼物反映了您和您的家庭在“康考迪亚体验”中的价值." These gifts comprise the parent contribution to the Concordia Fund, the University’s comprehensive Annual Giving Fund. 他们立即为卓越的教学、课堂技术和研究资源做出贡献.

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There are two opportunities to give to the 马修·汤普森上士退伍军人资源中心,捐赠奖学金或捐赠给我们目前的项目. 支持我们的退伍军人将有助于培育社区,并通过为他们提供项目活动来提高他们的毕业率, textbooks for our lending library, coffee, snacks, and other items.

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Student Experience

Student Experience

Learning doesn’t always happen in the classroom. 课外项目支持全面的学生体验, 丰富他们的学术生活,为学生提供雇主想要的实践经验和技能.

Enhance our Student Experience

University Libraries

University Libraries

我们正在扩大我们的学生资源——这是新生力量的一部分 Borland-Manske Center 会为基督学院建一个专门的神学图书馆吗, Concordia University’s school of theology. The CU Library 通过加强我们的印刷和数字馆藏,继续成为通往信息和学术世界的门户.

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