

2021年6月21日 - 7分钟阅读


莎拉·达伯丹05年, 这是塔吉特(Target)和卡骆驰(Crocs)等品牌以前的目录模式, 希望为女性推广积极的身体形象和生活习惯. 她创立了达林传媒, 以及旗舰刊物《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》杂志, which in the last ten years has led a sea change in the way women are depicted in advertising 和 fashion photography.


“上帝创造了我们,让我们看起来各不相同,”杜贝尔丹说. “This narrow definition of a look that’s beautiful needs to be broadened, 和 亲爱的 是文化的一部分吗. 我为此感到骄傲.”

今天, 她是两个孩子的妻子和母亲,住在格兰岱尔, CA with her fellow-entrepreneur husb和一个nd juggles mom-和-work-life the way many of 达林的 读者做.

“我真的很享受我的日子,”她说. “They are filled with overseeing the br和一个nd mission from a high level while also balancing a lot of stuff with the kids.”


Dubbeldam来自Sisters, 俄勒冈州, 一个大约有800人的小镇, 来到欧文的康考迪亚大学学习 剧院, with the intention of becoming an art director 和 building sets for movies. 然后她把专业转到了 工作室艺术 重点是 中等教育.

“我爱康科迪亚,”她说. “我和朋友们度过了最美好的时光. 我有很棒的教授,尤其是在文学课上. 我真的很喜欢写作,喜欢发现自己的风格和声音. That helped me call out my strengths 和 prepared me to communicate 和 write.”

她是一名 写作老师 在校园里,我跑了。 track 和 learned time management 和 “how to be excellent” during her four years 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.

她说:“这对我影响很大,而且真的很积极。. “我很感激能在那里,并希望从中得到我能得到的一切. 课后我经常和教授见面.”

毕业后, 她在索尼电影公司实习, 然后去了一家顶级模特公司的公开招聘, 赚外快. Soon she was catalog modeling for Crocs, Bass Pro, Kohl’s, Target 和 other large stores 和 br和s. 她还出现在超级碗广告和广告牌上.

“我在那个职位上被认为是成功的,但我并不开心,”她说. “我在抑郁和焦虑中挣扎.”

Part of the cause was the way women are treated by some in the fashion industry: Photo-Shopped to fit a plasticky, 虚幻版的美, 并密切观察他们的长相. She recalls meetings in her agency's building in West Hollywood where her modeling agents looked her up 和 down 和一个sked questions like, “A big br和 is interested in booking you but it looks like you’ve gained a little weight on your thighs. 我们想知道你的锻炼计划是什么. 你最近都做些什么? 你觉得健康吗??”

Dubbeldam说:“这只是说你看起来很胖的一种好方法。. “我当时非常瘦, 我以为这种消极情绪不会影响到我,因为我是基督徒, but the focus constantly on how you look — going into a room 和 seeing forty other women that look exactly like you: 5’9”, blond women with curly hair 和 green eyes — made me realize I was missing out on my purpose 和 not doing something deep enough. 演戏和当模特很棒, but the spirit under it is really negative 和 threw me into a spiral of purposelessness.”

亲爱的是朋友的声音,是那些感到孤独的人的导师. 它在说,这里有一种不同的思考和生活方式.


She 和 fellow Concordia alumna Kelli (Lane) Redfield ’05 began to dream of creating something different, to change the way women were portrayed in fashion photography 和一个dvertisements — 和 to reduce the collateral damage everyday women suffer when they hate their own appearance because of what pop culture defines as the perfect look. Over-sexualization of women to sell everything from hamburgers to laundry detergent promotes “a really narrow definition of beauty that isn’t what God intended for us,她说。.

这些对话变成了 亲爱的Dubbeldam称之为“来自上帝的想法”. 在他们的书页里, no one would be Photoshopped; rather the br和 would dignify a broader ideal of beauty.

达林的 众筹网站Kickstarter上的一项活动——只需要15美元,000 — caught fire as one of the first female br和s on that money-raising platform. 2012年,他已经在博客上发表了自己对世界的看法 亲爱的 杂志正式出版. By the fourth issue they were being sold in Anthropologie, a popular women’s clothing store. 他们还获得了手柄 @darling 并迅速吸引了大批粉丝. Their mission statement (see at the end of the article) has become a widely popular declaration, 也是他们现在销售的所有生活方式产品背后的愿景.

今天, 达林的 这个平台每周有50万用户. They are on issue 26 of the magazine 和 have developed a line of lifestyle products based on the br和: c和les, 贺卡, 谜题, 镜贴花, 和一个


亲爱的 盒子”提供了一个 亲爱的 Dinner experience in a box with products, décor 和 content for creating meaningful gatherings.

同样重要的是,从第一天起 亲爱的 为代表女性树立新标准. Dubbeldam booked models she knew from the industry, but did not retouch the photos. 她还创造了一种尊重的氛围.

“我知道进去被拍照是什么感觉,”她说. “我打算和他们谈谈, 我们的团队对他们有好感吗, 不只是看他们的外表. 这真的是一种救赎.”

亲爱的 also declined to partner with br和s that were over-sexualized or which promoted anti-aging products. 不仅如此,还有每一期 亲爱的 can be left on a coffee table for anyone to flip through, without moral hazard.

“It’s safe for kids, 和 we’re the only magazine in the industry like that,达伯丹说. The moxie to carry out the vision came in part from her mom 和 dad, who are entrepreneurs as well.

“My parents were champions for me being a strong, independent thinker,达伯丹说. “我总是从宏观层面看世界:‘哇, 这些系统真的坏了,否则整个行业都需要改变,,并寻求有希望的解决方案. I read books about William Wilberforce 和 others, people who change the way things function. 这是可能的. 它需要一个人和其他人一起上船. 我受到了这个想法的启发.”


这么多年来, 亲爱的 has become a surrogate mentor for women who need a strong voice in their lives. 

亲爱的 is the voice of a friend 和一个 mentor to those who feel alone,达伯丹说.

“它在说,这里有一种不同的思考和生活方式 in a really dark world. 对很多女孩来说,我们就像她们的妈妈或指导顾问. They are looking for answers 和 we have hope 和 perspective to meet people in the place they need them.”

乔安娜·盖恩斯是 达林的 《博彩平台网址大全》希腊版最近推出了第一期未经修饰的封面. Sarah 和 their editor had a friendly exchange to mark the significant occasion. Major department stores, too, are choosing to stop retouching their catalog 和 poster models.

“Sarah is able to balance the grief of seeing how our culture is broken 和 how the concept of women 和 femininity has suffered in our culture, 带着希望和愿景,如何有意义地改善,弗吉尼亚·霍金斯说。, Dubbeldam的商业伙伴 亲爱的 媒体的首席运营官. “她不是一个绝望的人. She a creator 和一个 visionary, 和 she leads with hope to compel others to join her mission.”

莎拉和她的丈夫, 史蒂夫, own two companies 和一个re passionate about Christians starting businesses which affect culture in a redemptive way. 

“这需要很大的勇气,还要知道自己的激情所在, 而且是为了正确的理由,达伯丹说. 

信仰是她使命的基础,无论是生活还是生活 亲爱的. “我一生跟随耶稣和神的话. 这决定了我所有的决定和观点,”她说. “你不会在这本书里找到严厉的基督教语言 亲爱的 magazine], but the lens of everything we produce seeks to honor God 和 his view of women. We believe you can be one hundred percent fashionable 和 beautiful while being modest, 受人尊敬的, 同时也很坚强.” 

要查看达林的产品、内容和活动,请访问 www.darlingmagazine.org@darling 在Instagram.

除了虚荣心,你有能力充分展示美丽, 操纵之外的影响, 唯物论之外的风格, 善良而非被动, 竞争之外的实力 & 不堕落的尊严.
You are a catalyst to transform the world around you through your wit, wisdom, character & 勇气——一直在创造美 & 体现爱.
你不仅有趣, 但原, 不仅足够好, 但不只是在这里, 但这是有目的的.