


由Sinan Tanik, Shawn Patchell于2020年3月24日发布


Although the average collegiate coaches' work-life at a single school in the US is well over a few seasons, I would like to share my ideas about turning a team around from poor mid-season form, with the hope that it may help those in need of a different approach.

As coaches, we always need to evaluate our teams, athletes, staff, and, most importantly, ourselves. Continually doing this will give us a good hold of the reasoning behind our performance or results. But what happens if we find our teams, before we realize, in a performance downs赢得g? 或者更糟, 垫底(不一定是连败), 我们需要出去,找回我们的节奏. 传奇NFL教练比尔·帕塞尔斯, 谁在最高水平执教了19年, mentioned: "the toughest challenge I've faced as a coach is taking a team that's performing poorly and turning it around."

I believe there are a few basic but powerful principles that we should keep in mind and may also remind our athletes for their consideration.

The first and most important goal of the present or newcomer coach will be to gain the trust of the team and to try and build trust amongst players as quickly as possible. 这一点非常重要,因为作为一个表现不佳的群体, they may be lacking cohesiveness and security as an individual and in the group. 球员们必须理解并相信这一点, 当教练, 我们在那里帮助他们改进, 帮助他们表现得更好, 赢得, 在更高的层次上享受比赛. 特别是随着美国大学体育的曝光和吸引力, any improvement that they can achieve in their game in college will help them jumpstart their professional careers overseas or in the US. 这, 反过来, may mean signing professional contracts in the future if they choose to, 赚钱, 签订更长期限的合同, 更大的数量.

在一个季节的糟糕时期, 当一个新教练到来带领球队走出困境, clear thinking and proper assessment of the situation might be quite tricky. 对于这个, giving the team a clear idea about how you expect the team to work going forward is crucial. Change is difficult, especially in competitive and non-solitary environments. Breaking bad habits and moving together towards a new direction is not an objective that can be easily started, 更不用说实现了. 因此, you have to make them sure that you will guide them and care for them personally throughout the entire process.

一旦实现了这一点, the second objective will be to make them understand how each one of them is personally accountable for the team's performance or lack thereof. 这是一个严肃的过程,必须以幽默和乐趣来完成, 但也有诚实和优雅的说实话. 团队需要理解并承认存在的问题. However, what typically holds teams back is to hold on to creative rationalizations and excuses. One of the hardest objectives can be to change the mindset that the team has that has led them to this point. It is imperative to make sure your players understand that the end goal is essential, but transforming a team culture is more about having the right values and aligning players and group behavior with those values.

此时此刻, the process switches from assessment and talking about principles into taking real action. 在这段时间里,我总是努力成为健身房最好的榜样. 我一直相信以身作则, working very hard in every detail imaginable off the court as well to take care of my team. 除了教练是一份全天候的工作, your players should sense that you care deeply about them and are doing everything in your power to help them. 这 will create a domino effect and will initiate positive change in the behavior of your team on and off the court.

If you have noticed, we haven't mentioned anything volleyball specific as of yet. 现在是时候了.

保持练习简短, 强烈的, 和有趣的, 我发现, 在团队中开始转型的最佳方式是什么. Players do not like slow and long practices in which they stand around a lot. In this type of environment, the concentration 如有遗失, and the motivation to push harder is gone. 这阻碍了进步. 更重要的是, 宝贵的时间, which is needed for fixing problems that you do not have a lot during mid-season, 如有遗失. 为了避免这种情况, 玩带有可实现目标的短游戏能够让玩家保持良好的情绪, 保持高度竞争, 让团队参与到提高团队合作和技术熟练程度中来.

The next thing I do as a coach is to identify the elements that hinder the team the most and pick the three that are the simplest to fix. 通过这样做, you not only boost the team confidence but that of the individual players as well by allo赢得g them to accomplish small but impactful goals.

这 may be the spark that you need that jumpstarts more positive results.

还有一点需要注意的是保持积极的氛围. Although we will be trying to fix a lot of elements in a short amount of time, 对话必须保持建设性. The last thing any coach wants in a time of high stress is to needlessly waste physical, 精神, 或者是戏剧和挫折上的情感能量. 在实践, an excellent way to accomplish this is to address any mistakes with another repetition, in which the player can succeed and lead him/her and the team out of the action with a positive feeling of success.

Another way to accomplish this would be to run faster than match paced drills that force the player to focus on the next action solely and to disregard any mistakes. 这 shift in mindset will allow the team to start to discard past results and focus forward and on objectives ahead, 比如打得更好, 再次赢得, 或者赢得总冠军. 这 will begin to create the momentum you need to move through problems you will inevitably face in the future. 有了这些技能, 将团队作为一个有凝聚力的单位保持在一起会更容易, 集体奔向一个共同的目标.

作为教练,你可能会遇到这种情况,也可能不会. 但无论你身在何处, 我相信保持积极是一条经验法则, 以身作则, 创造前进的动力. 通过这样做, 技术技能的提高, 提高你的球员, 优异的成绩必然会随之而来!!


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